Wednesday 9 January 2013

A trip to Barbados

In November (2012) I attended the Cavehill Chips philosophy conference at the University of West Indies, Barbados. While everyone still insists that I only attended for a junket it was actually a very productive trip.

The primary reason I attended was that it was a small conference specifically in my area and it matched up with La Trobe's funding cycle. How rare that happens!

But it was a joy to attend a conference where everyone was on the same page. Added to that, most people were like me, trying to put new ideas out there in a hostile environment. Reassurance like that goes a long way.

The second reason was that Shaun Gallagher was there and, due to small nature of the conference, I hoped I could corner him for some serious questioning! I really wanted to see his responses to some issues I had with his work. This was mainly driven by some feedback I received saying I was creating a straw man out of the phenomenological embodied position. I did get my cornering chances and I left feeling quite assured that this was not the case. I think the tough questions I am asking are valid and something the phemon cogsci movement must address (namely offline cognition).

So the general feeling after the conference was keep calm and carry on!

That said, due to the location most attendees were from America, and I was once again reminded of just how political and tough their system is. This is not a critical comment, more one of sympathy for just what people must endure to eek out even a modicum of success if recognition. Unfortunately Australia and the many European universities are headed that way.

Next post I'll say something on the actual philosophy discussed there!